Daily Horoscope for Pisces

Pisces Horoscopes

Horoscope for May 4, 2024

You will want to distinguish yourself from other people by a new attitude to life.

You will have a period when dreams shall be king. You will spend a lot of time dreaming. Your imagination will know no limit, by day as at night. You will not achieve very much, this is more a time of reflection. You will be more intuitive, sensitive. You will look for peace and quiet to devote yourself to your dreams.

You will want to listen to music, you will appreciate beautiful things, paintings, everything that is harmonious, elegant, aesthetic even more than before.

You will be strong-willed, decisive, persistent. Your sense of responsibility will increase. You will be rewarded for the work you have done thanks to your application and efficiency. You will not have any big problems, life will be quiet and without anything unforeseen. You will have a good job, you will be loyal and honest and will be appreciated by your superiors for your qualities.

All difficulties, hurdles will disappear thanks to unexpected help. Life will suddenly become easier, simpler. Business will get into shape and follow their normal course, the problems will be minimized. You will be more human, more generous and will lose your severity, your hardness.

Excellent period for any intellectual work. Professional success and increase in material goods are bound to happen. You will have a lot of luck, without really trying too hard. You will be wise and prudent, forethought will improve every initiative you take. You will be rational and be able to construct reasonable arguments: you will give good counsel and your circle will be able to count on you.

Beware of over-spending.

You will be attracted by the occult, but will be incompetent at doing anything practical. Occult practices such as spiritualism will give you pleasure but will be harmful for you, possibly leading to dangerous obsessions for your mental balance.

You will very much want to be free and independent. The first thing you may do is to break with your past. This could mean a divorce. You will think that every tie prevents you from being free, that they are a block to your desires and plans. You will break from the past without any precautions or niceties, but in an abrupt and unthinking manner. You will think that a new and marvellous world awaits you. Your plans will be beyond your means and ability to carry out, but you won't realize this. Obviously, you will have a lot of problems. Your emotional or family life may well be stormy.

You will undergo sudden changes which will force you to face up to your problems alone, without any help. Make the best you can of this situation. Lots of little difficulties that have been ignored up till now will have to be resolved.

Your emotional life may well be stormy. You will have difficulty in sexual understanding with your partner. You will think you are no longer loved and that therefore there's someone else etc. . . . . : this will cause fits of jealousy sometimes accompanied by unfortunate acts. In general, there is a sign of break-down, but a lot of couples can survive by picking up the pieces.

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